Accurate Timekeeping on ESP32 using an NTP Server
Below is the code used in the video to have ESP32 request time from an NTP server and update the internal RTC clock.
// The Tinker Foundry ---
// ESP32 Code for testing RTC -
real-time clock updated from an NTP (network time protocol) server over the
// Use NTP to get Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and adjust to local time/date
// ESP32 will connect to an NTP server and send a request packet
// In response, the NTP server will send a time stamp packet
#include <WiFi.h> // The usual for ESP32...
#include "time.h" // ESP32 native time library to handle NTP server connectivity and synchronization
const char* ssid = "********"; // input your wifi name
const char* password = "********"; // input your wifi passwords
// set up the NTP server name
const char* NTPServer = ""; // for our example, let's use Google's public NTP - see for more information
// set GMT offset - this defines the offset between GMT and
local time in seconds
// in order words, we apply an adjustment to suit our timezone
const long gmtOffset_sec = -18000; // For my timezone (Eastern), we are 5 hours behind GMT (so GMT - 5 hours * 3600 seconds in an hour = -18000 seconds)
// Look up time zone definitions at
// set Daylight offset - in places where daylight savings is
applied, this defines offset in seconds, usually one hour
const int daylightOffset_sec = 3600; // 3600 seconds in an hour
// Setup function
void setup() {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Below section is the normal ESP32 stuff we do to set up the serial connection and WiFi
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
while (WiFi.status() !=
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.print("Msg: Ready! Use 'http://");
Serial.println("' to connect");
// Instruction message output over serial interface
Serial.print("Configured NTP Server: ");
Serial.println("Enter 'Update' to retrieve
NTP Server time. Enter 'Time' to retrieve local clock time.");
// Main loop
void loop() {
// Wait for serial input to return time
while (Serial.available() == 0){}
String testStr = Serial.readString();
if (testStr == "Time") // if serial input is word "Time", then return local
clock through serial output
struct tm clockTime; // declare time information variable with structure tm:
if (!getLocalTime(&clockTime))
Serial.println("Failed to get time");
} else
Serial.println(&clockTime, "%A, %B %d %Y %H:%M:%S"); // day of the week, month, day of month, year, hour:minute:second
} else if (testStr
== "Update") // if serial input is word "Update", retrieve time
from NTP server and print the time
// Configure the time with the constants we defined...
configTime(gmtOffset_sec, daylightOffset_sec, NTPServer); // This will retrieve UTC time from NTP server and adjust to local
Serial.println("Retrieved time from NTP server");
struct tm clockTime; // declare time information
variable with structure tm:
if (!getLocalTime(&clockTime))
Serial.println("Failed to get time");
} else
Serial.println(&clockTime, "%A, %B %d %Y %H:%M:%S"); // day of the week, month, day of month, year, hour:minute:second
} else
Serial.println("Invalid input - try again");
// Use NTP to get Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and adjust to local time/date
// ESP32 will connect to an NTP server and send a request packet
// In response, the NTP server will send a time stamp packet
#include <WiFi.h> // The usual for ESP32...
#include "time.h" // ESP32 native time library to handle NTP server connectivity and synchronization
const char* password = "********"; // input your wifi passwords
const char* NTPServer = ""; // for our example, let's use Google's public NTP - see for more information
// in order words, we apply an adjustment to suit our timezone
const long gmtOffset_sec = -18000; // For my timezone (Eastern), we are 5 hours behind GMT (so GMT - 5 hours * 3600 seconds in an hour = -18000 seconds)
// Look up time zone definitions at
const int daylightOffset_sec = 3600; // 3600 seconds in an hour
void setup() {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Below section is the normal ESP32 stuff we do to set up the serial connection and WiFi
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Serial.print("Configured NTP Server: ");
void loop() {
while (Serial.available() == 0){}
String testStr = Serial.readString();
struct tm clockTime; // declare time information variable with structure tm:
Serial.println("Failed to get time");
Serial.println(&clockTime, "%A, %B %d %Y %H:%M:%S"); // day of the week, month, day of month, year, hour:minute:second
// Configure the time with the constants we defined...
configTime(gmtOffset_sec, daylightOffset_sec, NTPServer); // This will retrieve UTC time from NTP server and adjust to local
Serial.println("Retrieved time from NTP server");
Serial.println("Failed to get time");
Serial.println(&clockTime, "%A, %B %d %Y %H:%M:%S"); // day of the week, month, day of month, year, hour:minute:second
Serial.println("Invalid input - try again");
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